My mother loves to write...she has a way with putting words together that make you swoon. I am a picture person...that is my tale to tell. I've always loved looking at pictures. I remember as a little girl, studying photos, down to every last detail. My husband says I am a very detailed person, lol...guess that's why.
I went out the other evening as the sun was going down. Everything was so pretty, the birds nestling in for the night, the crickets singing, the honeysuckle smell in the warm summer breeze....I want my photos to make you feel that. Like I do when I see and hear it all.
As I looked around, I began to think of all of the memories that have been made here. Maybe I need to pair up with my Mother and write a book...her words and my photos.
That road.....
How many years I've traveled this road. Sometimes flying like a speed queen and others taking my good ole time. Watching my oldest daughter come around the bend after getting her drivers license. How relieved I was to see her in that white car of hers. Many family members and friends coming to visit....some good visits and others not so good. Watching the school bus bring my babies home to me.
This gate....
Pulling into the graveled driveway, listening to the crunch under my wheels. Seeing that house and knowing I was home. This gate could tell a few about when my husbands truck went backwards out of the driveway and hit this gate then went into the creek. I will never forget watching him run as fast as he could trying to catch it all the while I was praying the truck wouldn't destroy our newly installed gate.
(that prayer was answered)
That fence....
We've always had a pool. When our girls got a bit older, we had boys and men drive by glaring at them as they sunbathed and swam. So the fence went up! I've watched the wood age to the most beautiful silver color. Much like grey hair. How many times I've had a paint brush in hand but have stopped...I am so glad I've never painted it. Can you believe I am saying that?!
The fire pit...
All of those rocks were carried by my husband and I. The sweat, the body scrapes and aches! All for something that we could all sit around and share. The tall tales that have been told, the laughter, the's a sight that I cherish as I look out onto our yard.
The hand made swing set....
Oh how our daughters spent hours and hours playing here. The slicky slide, the swings, all long since gone. But their laughter and smiles live on in my heart.

This mountain....
Through every season, I've always loved this view! How many have looked at this very mountain through the years and remembered like me?
And the gorgeous sky! I remember as a wee little girl, riding with my aunt and her asking me what color I thought God's favorite was? I said blue because of the sky. I've always loved looking up and imagining God looking down at me. I've had many talks with him while looking at the sky.
I guess what I am trying to say is that all of the memories I have and have made, will they carry on like mine have with someone? I hold so many sweet memories in my head and heart. That's what I love about blogging...being able to share my life. And maybe, one day after I'm dead and gone, my photos will still be here along with a piece of my heart.
Dear Melanie 💞
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely story, with so beautiful pictures. And I must say, you have the same talent, about writing, just like your mother. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely memories with us ❤️
Have a fantastic day dear 🌹
You definitely don't need help to write a book--your pictures and words are perfect.
ReplyDeleteYou are a detailed person you can see in your photos and your home. Ever so lovely. :) Jo
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous part of our Country you live in, Melanie. I love that your aunt asked you what you
ReplyDeletethought God's favorite color sweet. Beautiful pictures of your life, too. You are blessed!
Lovely photos, Melanie. You have an enchanting blog. :)
ReplyDeleteLovely photos, Melanie. You have an enchanting blog. :)
ReplyDeleteMelanie, First I want to tell you I love everything you create! You have a gift! Your style in your home is the very style I too would love to recreate in my own home but my husband would never allow me to paint over wood of any kind, so I live, as they say, vicariously through you! His father was a devoted woodworker and wood has a very special meaning to all of his family. When possible he will tell me if an item is ok to paint but I can tell you that has only happened a couple of times! Secondly, and most importantly, you exude such a positive attitude and spirit! You encourage me! I too have many autoimmune diseases which at times can be debilitating. The Meds I have to take are playing havoc with my body and as a result of taking them my life will be shortened. But, I try to view it as a blessing because if I don't take them it will be shortened significantly! You handle your health issues with such grace! Your reliance on God's Word is a true blessing to me and you share scriptures at the most needed times for me and oh, so appropriately! My husband is a Pastor and because of that we share in the lives of many hurting, broken people. Some days I feel overwhelmed, especially when children are involved in negative circumstances. I never feel upset at people for not using better judgement for their lives or that of their children because oft times they are simply by-products of previous generations. I just want to help them! Serving Jesus Christ is first and foremost the best way I know to help anyone get their life back together! I have worked in many areas of social programs but still I stand by serving Christ as the best way! He gives strength, grace and blessings like no other! And understanding the concept of eternal life...well, let's just say that is the cherry on top...the icing on the cake...the ultimate! So THANK YOU for your encouragement! THANK YOU for reminding me what is important! THANK YOU for bringing me back to what makes a genuine difference...Jesus Christ!!! And THANK YOU for such a beautiful blog in which you share with all of us in blog land the beauty of your home, family, holidays, pets, creativity (geniously), and deeply spiritual attitude no matter what is happening! God bless you dear sister in the Lord!