Here are two pieces of furniture the hubby and I went and picked up awhile back. We had to make two trips since both pieces were so big. And let me add, it was in the pouring rain ( a downpour) with lots of wind and lightning.
They both needed a new paint job and pulls. I just loved the lines on the dresser and mirror. Not too thrilled about the chest though...but they were a package deal.
The dresser is an after photo...I never did get to the new paint job but did patch up some holes and added the glass knobs. It quickly disappeared before I could finish it.
Isn't it beautiful?
Now back to the chest. I tried to see if anyone wanted it as is, but no bites. I knew I would have to work some magic on it if I want it out of my garage. I am hoping someone will want it when they see it now.
It needed something....but I didn't have the extra cash to go out and buy something much less have the energy to make and wait on some appliques.
If you all would see my garage, you would think I was a hoarder! But there are so many wonderful things in there and as I was painting this, it came to me as I looked at an old rug that was falling apart.
You know, one of those rubber rugs that you can buy at Target that has all of the scrolly stuff? People have been painting them and hanging them on their walls or over air vent returns ect.
All great ideas!
I thought "yes, this will work perfectly" after I cut the pieces off that I wanted to use. I have lot's left over so future things will be made for sure with them!
I just attached them with some heavy duty adhesive and painted 3 times.
They were perfect for those bare spots, don't ya think? They are hard as a rock after the paint of my concerns since it was rubber.
I think they really made the bottom feet stand out so much better. The details go together quite nicely now! I already had the pulls that I took off of my kitchen cabinets when I replaced them with glass and silver. Mike had to work some of his magic on a couple of the drawers since they stuck. But after all that we've done, it is a beautiful, well functioning vintage chest of drawers!
I hope this idea gives you all inspiration on your projects....I know it was a light bulb moment for me!